
What Wordpress Theme Should I Use?

( Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are 'affiliate links.' This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission) So you decided to setup your own website and you’ve been thinking about it for a while but now you feel like it’s a lot more work than you thought, well guess what? It’s actually really easy and I will show you how through this article! Wordpress has become one of the leading content management systems (CMS) in the world and the biggest reason why is because it’s just plain easy to work with. There are so many tools and tutorials available on the internet, as well as helpful articles like this one, that will guide you through your Wordpress journey… I promise. Are there free themes available? Absolutely yes! Once you have Wordpress installed on your domain there is a free theme preloaded for you. Now is this theme particularly the right theme for you? The answer varies. Free themes are g

Can Shopify Connect to Quickbooks?

So you own a Shopify store or you’re thinking about setting one up, but you also want to keep your accounting organized? Did you know Shopify and Quickbooks can connect to each other? Well now you know, but wait did you know that Shopify has made it even easier to integrate the two together? Shopify has a Quickbooks online app available from the Shopify app store that seamlessly integrates the two together, don’t worry it’s absolutely free. The Shopify + Quickbooks integration app is available at . Still not sure? Well Quickbooks and Shopify both provide free trials!! So you can’t go wrong. Here’s a step by step on how to get started and connect Shopify to Quickbooks: First step would be to visit the Quickbooks online registration page and setup an account, a 30 day free trial is available. Login to your Shopify account. If you don’t have one, simply visit the Shopify online registration page and setup an account, a 14 day fre

Can’t Sleep? Snoring? Symptoms of a Sleep Disorder- Insomnia & Sleep Apnea

Everyone has had one of those nights tossing, turning, maybe even watching Netflix because you can’t sleep and then waking up to your damn alarm but you just want to go back to sleep. Guess what? You’re not alone as more than half of US Adults experience sleep issues more than once a week. But you’re in luck! Why? Because I will answer all your sleep disorder related questions and even provide you with a solution! Be sure to read all the way through for your special offer. Let’s face it we all have busy lives with our job, family, friends, and at the end of the day we just want to get some rest so we can get up the next day feeling refreshed and conquer the day! Well that won’t happen if you didn’t sleep well or if your loved one kept you up all night with their snoring. Sleep Disorder #1: Insomnia First sleep disorder we will be chatting about is Insomnia- What is Insomnia? What are the causes and symptoms? Insomnia translated in Latin literally m